Digital Bonds AI

Description / Opis


Digital Bonds AI

Digital Corporate Bonds

Innovative Digital Bonds Platform with AI-Driven Risk Assessment

Digital Bonds AI is pioneering an innovative platform that revolutionizes the corporate bond market by leveraging blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI). Their cutting-edge solution addresses the longstanding challenges faced by both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and investors in accessing and trading corporate bonds.

At the core of their innovation lies the seamless integration of blockchain and smart contracts, which streamlines the entire lifecycle of bond issuance and management. By eliminating intermediaries and automating processes, Digital Bonds AI offers a cost-effective solution that reduces issuance costs by up to 90%. This groundbreaking approach opens up the corporate bond market to SMEs, which have traditionally been excluded due to the high costs and lengthy processes associated with traditional bond issuance methods.

Furthermore, Digital Bonds AI harnesses the power of AI to provide an advanced risk assessment tool for investors. Their proprietary AI algorithms analyze financial data from authorized sources to calculate the probability of issuer default, enabling investors to make informed decisions and manage risk more effectively. This AI-driven risk assessment represents a significant improvement over traditional methods, offering superior accuracy and insights.

The platform operates on a global scale, providing a 24/7/365 marketplace for bond issuance and trading. This unparalleled accessibility and liquidity empower investors to seize market opportunities promptly and diversify their portfolios with superior returns. Additionally, Digital Bonds AI’s solution ensures transparency and reliability by leveraging the immutable nature of blockchain technology, fostering trust among market participants.

Regulatory compliance is a cornerstone of Digital Bonds AI’s innovation. Their smart contracts mirror the Swiss guidelines for “ledger-based securities,” and they adhere to the EU’s MiFID II and DLT Pilot regulations. As the EU adopts the MiCA regulations in 2024, allowing financial institutions to leverage blockchain, Digital Bonds AI is well-positioned to capitalize on this regulatory shift.

Moreover, Digital Bonds AI contributes to sustainable development goals by enabling SMEs to access capital markets, driving economic growth, and creating jobs. We also promote green bonds for environmentally friendly projects and support municipal bond financing for sustainable urban development.

With a team of experts combining finance, technology, and regulatory expertise, Digital Bonds AI is poised to disrupt the traditional corporate bond market and redefine bond issuance processes globally. Our innovative platform represents a paradigm shift, empowering SMEs, enhancing investor opportunities, and fostering a more inclusive and efficient financial ecosystem.


Company name / Nazwa firmy
Digital Bonds AI Ltd
Company info / Opis firmy [1 000 words]
Company Overview

Mission Statement
DigitalBonds aims to revolutionize the financial landscape for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by providing innovative, blockchain-based financial instruments. Our mission is to facilitate faster economic growth, enrich societies, and support environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals through advanced technological solutions.

Problem Statement
Access to capital remains a significant hurdle for SMEs. Traditional financing methods, such as bank loans and equity sales, are often costly and time-consuming. For investors, the challenge lies in the lengthy exit times and the need for liquidity to capitalize on market opportunities.

Market Opportunity
DigitalBonds addresses a substantial market opportunity estimated at $5 trillion, targeting SMEs in the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK), with future expansions planned for China and the United States (US). The market is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4%.

STRATEGY and Products

Blockchain-Based Bond Issuance and Trading Platform
DigitalBonds offers a streamlined, cost-effective way to issue blockchain-based bonds through our launchpad and trade them on our secondary marketplace. This platform is available online 24/7, ensuring global accessibility and convenience.

AI-Based Risk Assessment Tool
We integrate an AI-enhanced risk assessment tool to provide superior returns for investors by offering more liquid financial instruments with reduced risks. This advanced tool leverages artificial intelligence to evaluate the creditworthiness and potential risks associated with each bond issuance.

Financial Advisory Services
We provide comprehensive financial advisory services for bond issuers, assisting them in navigating the complexities of the financial markets and optimizing their capital-raising strategies.

FUNDING and Growth

Current Fundraising Efforts
DigitalBonds is currently raising €500,000 to support 15 months of runway, enabling us to expand our platform, enhance our product offerings, and achieve our growth targets.


Primary Target: SMEs in the EU and UK
Our primary target market consists of SMEs within the EU and UK, who struggle with the high costs and prolonged processes associated with traditional financing methods.

Future Expansion: China and the US
We plan to extend our services to SMEs in China and the US, tapping into these large and dynamic markets to further scale our operations and impact.

SOLUTION and Benefits

For SMEs
DigitalBonds simplifies the issuance of bonds, providing a cost-effective, efficient, and globally accessible solution. This approach allows SMEs to bypass the traditional banking system, reducing costs and time to market.

For Investors
Investors gain access to more liquid financial instruments with superior returns, supported by our AI-enhanced risk assessment tool. This innovation reduces exit times and increases liquidity, enabling investors to seize market opportunities more effectively.

PARTNERS and Collaborations

Strategic Partnerships
DigitalBonds collaborates with some of the world's leading organizations, including:
– The world's 4th largest crypto exchange.
– Europe's best startup accelerator.
– Leading European IT companies.


Krzysztof Piech, PhD (CEO)
Professor of economics and a leading Polish expert on blockchain, Krzysztof Piech brings extensive academic and practical experience in economic and blockchain technologies.

Marcin Stebakow (Rating Analyst)
As a top bond valuation expert in Poland, Marcin offers invaluable insights into bond trading and valuation.

Piotr Majka (CFO)
Former deputy CEO of a brokerage house, Piotr's experience in bond trading and financial management is instrumental in driving our financial strategy.

Kamil Marczak (CTO)
Kamil's background in quantitative finance, Big4 consulting, banking supervision, backend development, and Solidity programming strengthens our technological capabilities.

About Us
The founders of DigitalBonds are seasoned Polish experts with proven track records in:
– Finance: Securities brokers and university-educated professionals.
– Regulations: Experienced lawyers and financial supervision experts.
– Company Management: C-level executives and startup veterans.
– IT: Specialists in AI, blockchain, smart contracts, and IT programming.

DigitalBonds is poised to transform the financial landscape for SMEs and investors alike. By leveraging blockchain technology and AI-driven tools, we provide innovative solutions that simplify bond issuance and enhance investment opportunities. Our dedicated team, strategic partnerships, and commitment to ESG goals position us as a leader in the evolving fintech ecosystem. Join us on our mission to accelerate economic growth, enrich societies, and save the environment through cutting-edge financial solutions.
Country / Kraj
United Kingdom / Zjednoczone Królestwo
First Name of the person being entered / Imię zgłaszanej osoby
Last Name of the person being entered / Nazwisko zgłaszanej osoby
Position / Stanowisko
Founding year / Rok założenia
Team size / Wielkość zespołu
Company size / Wielkość firmy
Small company / Mała firma
Legal form / Forma prawna
Limited Liability Company LLC / Spółka Z O.O.
Company www / Strona firmowa
LinkedIn profil / LinkedIn profil
Instargram profil / Instagram profil
Sector / Branża
Fintech / Insurtech
Email / Email
Suite 4384, Unit 3a, 34-35 Hatton Garden, Holborn
Zip/Post Code

Contest Information

Contest Category / Kategoria Konkursu
Kind of innovation / Rodzaj innowacji
Product / Produktowa, Technological / Technologiczna
Target market / Rynek docelowy
Global Market / Rynek światowy
Customer focus / Kluczowy odbiorcy
Reach of innovation / Zasięg innowacji
European / Europejski
Person description / Bio osoby [500 words]
Krzysztof Piech – Seasoned Entrepreneur, Academic, and Blockchain Expert

Krzysztof Piech is an accomplished entrepreneur, scholar, and expert in finance, economics, and blockchain technology. His extensive experience encompasses leadership roles in digital bonds, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain-based banking projects.

As the CEO of Digital Bonds AI, a project supported by Europe's top accelerator StartupBootCamp, Piech leads a team developing innovative solutions for the corporate bond market. Previously, he served as CEO of the Centillion Settlements (digital Polish zloty) and bBank (blockchain-based bank) projects, and spearheaded the Cyfroobligacje initiative focused on digitizing corporate bonds.[1]

Piech has a strong background in research and development, having held R&D director positions at PrimeQ (AI-based trading bots) and Igoria Trade (listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange). He has participated in grant-funded projects worth over $6.6 million, focusing on tokenizing intellectual property rights, blockchain-based voting, and the Tor network.

As a professor at Lazarski University in Warsaw, Piech teaches courses related to finance, economics, and blockchain technology. He is the author of numerous scientific publications, including books on the 2008-2009 financial crisis and measuring innovation.

Piech has served as an advisor to various public institutions, including the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Digital Affairs, and Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He led a group of over 100 experts advising the government on blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

With his multidisciplinary experience in finance, technology, and academia, Krzysztof Piech is an ideal candidate to lead the Digital Bonds AI project. His expertise in digital bonds, blockchain, and innovative financial technologies make him a perfect fit for this ambitious endeavor.
Justification for Jury / Uzasadnienie [500 words]
Digital Bonds AI deserves an award for its groundbreaking innovation that revolutionizes the corporate bond market through the seamless integration of blockchain technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and regulatory compliance. Their platform addresses longstanding challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and investors, making it a game-changer in the financial industry.

Democratizing Access to Capital Markets
One of the most significant contributions of Digital Bonds AI is democratizing access to capital markets for SMEs. Traditionally, these companies have been excluded from the bond market due to the high costs and lengthy processes associated with traditional bond issuance methods. Digital Bonds AI's innovative platform streamlines the entire lifecycle of bond issuance and management, reducing issuance costs by up to 90%.[1] This cost-effective solution opens up the corporate bond market to SMEs, fostering economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development.

AI-Driven Risk Assessment and Superior Returns
Digital Bonds AI harnesses the power of AI to provide an advanced risk assessment tool for investors. Their proprietary AI algorithms analyze financial data from authorized sources to calculate the probability of issuer default, enabling investors to make informed decisions and manage risk more effectively. This AI-driven risk assessment represents a significant improvement over traditional methods, offering superior accuracy and insights. By providing investors with access to more liquid financial instruments and higher returns, Digital Bonds AI enhances investment opportunities and portfolio diversification.

Regulatory Compliance and Transparency
Regulatory compliance is a cornerstone of Digital Bonds AI's innovation. Our smart contracts mirror the Swiss guidelines for "ledger-based securities," and they adhere to the EU's MiFID II and DLT Pilot regulations. As the EU adopts the MiCA regulations in 2024, allowing financial institutions to leverage blockchain, Digital Bonds AI is well-positioned to capitalize on this regulatory shift. Furthermore, the platform leverages the immutable nature of blockchain technology, fostering transparency and trust among market participants.

Global Accessibility and Liquidity
Digital Bonds AI operates on a global scale, providing a 24/7/365 marketplace for bond issuance and trading.[2] This unparalleled accessibility and liquidity empower investors to seize market opportunities promptly and diversify their portfolios with superior returns. By bridging the gap between SMEs and global financial markets, Digital Bonds AI contributes to sustainable economic growth and financial inclusion.

Sustainable Development and ESG Goals
Digital Bonds AI actively contributes to sustainable development goals by enabling SMEs to access capital markets, driving economic growth, and creating jobs. They also promote green bonds for environmentally friendly projects and support municipal bond financing for sustainable urban development. By aligning with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, Digital Bonds AI demonstrates its commitment to responsible and ethical business practices.

With a team of experts combining finance, technology, and regulatory expertise, Digital Bonds AI is poised to disrupt the traditional corporate bond market and redefine bond issuance processes globally. Our innovative platform represents a paradigm shift, empowering SMEs, enhancing investor opportunities, and fostering a more inclusive and efficient financial ecosystem. For these reasons, Digital Bonds AI deserves recognition and an award for its groundbreaking innovation.

Logo, Images, presentation, video / Logo, zdjęcia, prezentacja, wideo

Company logo / Logo firmy [600x600 px]
Additional information / Dodatkowe informacje [PDF - 64 MB Max]
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Company / Firma
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Entry by / Zgłoszenie przez:

Krzysztof Piech

Member since 4 miesiące ago
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