Description / Opis



AI assited industrial trainings in Mixed Reality

We have created our own enterprise level software platform – AIDAR.SYNERGY - which is one of the most advanced and innovative in Europe. Our innovation is based on the latest and fastest growing top 3 IT technologies: Mixed Realities (Virtual, Augmented, Cross), Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. These technologies are also the pillars of Meta Verse.

In 2023 we have made a large R&D investment in the product in a project with Wroclaw University of Technology - one of Poland's top technical universities: resulting in Aidar 3.0 which is assisted with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We contracted top notch experts i.e. working for the US Army.

From the very beginning, when creating AIDAR.SYNERGY platform we wanted to provide production companies with tools that will not require users to know coding, will be easy to use, multilingual, open for integration and independent of the mixed reality hardware vendors. We started with two technologies: 1) Virtual Reality (coming from gaming industry) 2) Augumented Reality (coming from military). Most of the companies started with only one of them. We also combined these technologies into one coherent platform: Aidar.Synergy. It gave us the first important advantage over the competition.

The next one was in the last year making Aidar compliant with OpenXR standard. It means that the platform works on-standalone glasses. The user can use VR glasses literally Anywhere and there is no longer needed to build a large and costly training center with glasses connected with cable to the computer. It is a pure freedom of place of training.

At the beginning we also selected Aidar’s technology stack: Unity3D. This decision paid off a few years later. In 2024 Apple introduced their disruptive product: Apple Vision Pro glasses. We were probably the first Polish company accepted to Apple Laboratories in Munich in February 2024 where Aidar platform successfully passed the tests of compliance with Apple Vision Pro. This was the last piece of our puzzle. It means that thanks to AIDAR’S design the platform is almost plug-and-play, making it a breeze to adapt to all “big four” XR hardware vendors: Apple, Meta, Microsoft and HTC.

Our 2023-2024 was also dedicated to adding on top of Aidar: AI, Machine Learning and avatars – module named Aidar.Brains.

As a result in Aidar 3.0 it is possible to train anywhere on stand alone glasses, the trainee can be supported by other people in multi-class visible as avatars working on the same object. Thanks to AI the process of creating tranings speed up 10 times and it is possible to show the service instructions not only on the glasses but also on tablets and smarphones.

The experts connecting as avatars can also be people with disabilities (social activation) or retired employees (their expert knowledge is not lost and will stay in the company).

By creating our Aidar 3.0, we change the standards on the European market. A coherent platform allows to learn and work faster, in a new way in multiclass, from anywhere in the world.


Company name / Nazwa firmy
Company info / Opis firmy [1 000 words]
Our company Aidar (Aid of Augumented Reality) is a developer of our own very innovative software platform for virtual and augmented reality technology to support Industry 4.0 manufacturing companies.

We operate in one of the most innovative and fastest growing markets in the world: growing 40% per year for several years. We are one of the pioneers of applications for mixed reality technology. We compete in the European market mainly with young companies from Germany or Jordan, and are at the forefront of Europe in terms of the sophistication and innovation of our product: the Aidar platform.
Our customers are strategic companies for the Polish economy such as Canpack S.A. and large global industrial corporations like Daimler, ABB and Pratt &Whitney. In the 3 years since Aidar was founded, we have acquired 14 customers from 5 countries and 18 partners from 10 countries.

During pandemic our solutions have helped global companies like Qatly of Sweden to keep building factories in Singapore and China.
In Poland, our biggest client is Daimler Corp. which was building the world's newest and reference engine factory: Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland in Jawor. We started working together before the factory was operational. The biggest challenge MBMP faced was hiring and training nearly 1,500 employees in a few months. By transferring the engines that were to be assembled to virtual reality, we made it possible to start training assembly workers before the engines even arrived at the factory.
The goals of Aidar platform are to improve safety of maintenance trainings, reducing costs of damaged equipment and future spendings on new equipment and utilities. We already see the measurable results. Daimler stated and quoted in the national press that 40% less errors are made and 30% less parts are wasted during engine assembly process. These are really significant numbers.
Ultimately, in MBMP we created a digital twin and transferred the entire technology line (more than 110 stations and trainings) of engine assembly to virtual reality. This collaboration resulted in us being invited as a strategic partner along with Siemens and Ranstadt to the Mercedes training academy.
We represent our country as the only company in the VR/AR for Industry Coalition at the European Commission (CNECT VRAR Coalition) and are creating, together with dozens of similar companies from other EU countries, the foundations, standards, and regulations for the introduction of mixed reality technology in industry throughout the European Union for its people and business.

We have also won several awards at the European level from giants like T-mobile and Microsoft
In 2023, we expanded our proprietary Aidar 3.0 platform with the latest in AI, Machine learning and avatars. With these, you can train anywhere in the world and be supported while working by remote experts or automatically by the system. Voice or text training instructions can be translated into any language in real time. When hiring many employees from another country, such as in Poland employees from Ukraine, it is not necessary to hire trainers - training or service instructions are immediately ready in another language.
Our solutions support the fight against digital exclusion or people with disabilities from the labor market.
The industrial sector is currently grappling with the challenge of a scarcity of highly skilled workers. This issue is considered crucial by 31% of manufacturers and 50% of them are dealing with impact. The problem is exacerbated by the absence of effective and easily accessible training tools for employees, particularly in newly established factories. There is a lack of an integrated solution for support service and repair of production equipment that com- bines AR/VR, IoT, AI, and remote calls.
As it states “Our mission is to revolutionize the way industrial workers are trained and supported in Mixed Reality, making their jobs safer, more efficient, and more productive”
Under the link to our blog there is a lot of supportive materials.

We also attach our sample deck for the automotive industry where you can find a lot of movies to better understand our solution.

Also below to the link of the Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland Girls Go Technology Academy.
Country / Kraj
Poland / Polska
Founding year / Rok założenia
Team size / Wielkość zespołu
Company size / Wielkość firmy
Small company / Mała firma
Legal form / Forma prawna
Limited Liability Company LLC / Spółka Z O.O.
Company www / Strona firmowa
LinkedIn profil / LinkedIn profil
Sector / Branża
Future Industry
Email / Email
Wyspa Słodowa 7,
Zip/Post Code

Contest Information

Contest Category / Kategoria Konkursu
Kind of innovation / Rodzaj innowacji
Product / Produktowa
Target market / Rynek docelowy
Continental Market / Rynek kontynentalny
Customer focus / Kluczowy odbiorcy
Reach of innovation / Zasięg innowacji
Global / Światowy
Justification for Jury / Uzasadnienie [500 words]
Aidar is not only a very innovative product that changes the way people work supported by immersive technologies, AI and machine leering.

In such a short period of time (less than 4 years) we have created a brand which is perceived as rock solid. We also created a unique Polish company that is built on trust by global industrial giants and European Commission.

At Aidar we belive in long-lasting and strong human and business relationships with our customers and partner. So far we have 18 partners from 10 countries.

We are the only company representing Poland and one of initiating partners at European Commission VRAR Industrial Coalition – from 2022 together with 60 other companies, universities, and associations we design best practices and foundation rules for the Industrial Meta Verse in EU – and our solution is built to be compliant with them. In this coalition our young company is treated as equal by the Commission and the other members like Nokia, Scania, or Alstom.

Our first customer has been Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland – the referential and most advanced factory for all global Daimler Corporation. The results of our project were published in the national press (Rzeczpospolita), TVPolonia (Stacja Innowacja – with global reach) and presented by Daimler management on many conferences. Our expertise was appreciated by Daimler and in 2023 and 2024 invited we were invited to the prestigious strategic partnership in the Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland “Girls Go Technology Academy” with giants like Siemens or Randstad. This 1-year lasting academy helps educate high school students and provide them with solid skills for the highly competitive job market. There are five more times candidates to the Academy than slots.

Our classes were voted by the students as the best ones. We are also a partner in the similar Women in Engineering 4.0 program of Siemens, HTC and Deutche Bahn. This program is dedicated to technical university level students, and we are the partners in 2023 and 2024 editions.

Our experience and skills have also resulted in awards at the European level (we won the first Microsoft Hackathon, won T-Mobile Edgex), in the first report on Meta Verse in Poland by Kognita we were recognized as a Leader of VR solutions for production companies.

We are also one of the first signing members among companies like Orange or Carrefour the Polish governmental program “Accessibility Plus”. It means that we design our tools with the goal of fighting with social exclusivity and assist the handicapped people and help them to be active on the job market.

One of the first-hand examples is a Daimler German engineer Michael Muir, who after having spine damage accident at the swimming pool started to work on a wheelchair from his house. He supported his colleagues in Polish factory remotely from his home using Aidar technology.

We firmly believe that our company vison, it’s implementation and our effort will be appreciated not only by the global corporations or EU governmental institutions by also by the jury of the contest.
What makes your company stand out from the competition? / Czym wyróżnia się Twoja firma na tle konkurencji?
Revolutionizes existing industry standards / Rewolucjonizuje dotychczasowe zasady w branży
Key technologies / Kluczowe technologie
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, AI, Machine Learning, Avatars, Meta Verse
Financial standing / Sytuacja finansowa
199 000 - 499 000 EURO
What sources of financing do you use when running your company? / Z jakich Źródeł finansowania korzystasz podczas prowadzenia firmy?
Private money / Środki prywatne, Venture Capital

Start-up logo, presentation video / Start-up logo, prezentacja, wideo

Company logo / Logo firmy [600x600 px]
Additional information / Dodatkowe informacje [PDF - 64 MB Max]
Who submit the application / Kto dokonuje zgłoszenia
Company / Firma
Recommending institution / Instytucja polecająca
Mercdes Benz Manufacturing Poland
How did you find out about the contest? / Jak dowiedziałeś się o konkursie?
Friends / Znajomi

Entry by / Zgłoszenie przez:


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