Description / Opis



Access to personal protection on demand

Through the created business model, SafeMe provides users with access to professional protection at a price accessible to everyone.
SafeMe uses the infrastructure of security companies, obtaining patrols in every district of the city and giving them a new source of income.
Taking into account the statistics of threats, sexual assaults and robberies in Europe, SafeMe can prevent a tragedy.


Company name / Nazwa firmy
Company info / Opis firmy [1 000 words]
We are a technology company that, combined with the infrastructure of security companies, offers modern personal protection solutions. With the help of a system of applications using the latest technologies, we take care of the safety of our customers.

Application that allows you to use the support of the Security Monitoring Center or call a security patrol. Check out two main features:
The SafeMe Safety Monitoring Center will supervise your journey, checking whether you are following the designated route, and in the event of a threat, they will send a Response Group to you.
All you need to do is specify the means of transport and select the route in the SafeMe application.
In situations of threat or a sense of justified danger, use the application and call an emergency patrol. With one button you will notify the SafeMe Security Monitoring Center and call for help to your location.
Country / Kraj
Poland / Polska
Founding year / Rok założenia
Team size / Wielkość zespołu
Company size / Wielkość firmy
Small company / Mała firma
Legal form / Forma prawna
Limited Liability Company LLC / Spółka Z O.O.
Company www / Strona firmowa
Sector / Branża
Software / Aplikacje
Email / Email
Jana Kazimierza 64/128
Zip/Post Code

Contest Information

Contest Category / Kategoria Konkursu
Kind of innovation / Rodzaj innowacji
Product / Produktowa, Social / Społeczna, Technological / Technologiczna
Target market / Rynek docelowy
Continental Market / Rynek kontynentalny
Customer focus / Kluczowy odbiorcy
B2B, B2C
Reach of innovation / Zasięg innowacji
Global / Światowy
Justification for Jury / Uzasadnienie [500 words]
We are the first company whose technology can prevent robberies and sexual attacks in taxis and public transport and during activities in urban agglomerations.

We are able to detect anomalies and act before a criminal incident occurs, not like the police, only after
What makes your company stand out from the competition? / Czym wyróżnia się Twoja firma na tle konkurencji?
Is globally innovative / Jest innowacyjna w skali świata
Financial standing / Sytuacja finansowa
No revenue / Brak przychodów
What sources of financing do you use when running your company? / Z jakich Źródeł finansowania korzystasz podczas prowadzenia firmy?
Others / Inne

Start-up logo, presentation video / Start-up logo, prezentacja, wideo

Company logo / Logo firmy [600x600 px]
Who submit the application / Kto dokonuje zgłoszenia
Company / Firma
How did you find out about the contest? / Jak dowiedziałeś się o konkursie?
Friends / Znajomi

Entry by / Zgłoszenie przez:


Member since 4 miesiące ago
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