
Description / Opis



Fully automatic App to design the most effective Solar PV installations on smartphone in 1 minute

What we DELIVER:
✰ The App generates: the single best placement parameters for PV panels
✰ Number of panels, perfect placement, optimal tilt & azimuth
✰ Highest reliability energy yield forecast – during whole year
✰ Both direct and diffuse solar energy impact
✰ Any shades and obstacles for the Sun rays penetration, local atmospheric conditions, cloudiness as well as PV-panels optical and efficiency features included

✰ Up to 38% of energy gain from PVs
✰ Tool for PV investors to optimize cost vs efficiency
✰ PV installations Sales process much faster & competition-proof

HOW We Do it:
✰ Via intuitive, SaaS App – easy-to-use, even for non-professionals
✰ Right on Your Smartphone in 1 minute
✰ NASA satellite data, smartphone sensors readings, proprietary algorithms
by processing wide range of variables


Company name / Nazwa firmy
ScanTheSUn sp. z o.o.
Company info / Opis firmy [1 000 words]
📢 Intuitive tool for speeding up Green Energy adoption – PV efficiency up by 38% !!!
✅ ScanTheSun makes it possible for homeowners to get single best installation design plan in 1 Minute – up to 38% more energy yield. We make Solar PV as easy as 1,2,3 – using satellite & in-site data
🌍 20,000+ users in 175 countries

Make informed decision quickly to invest in their Solar PV
💡Executing Solar PV design – right on location, from ground level, on 1st site visit
💡No more climbing the roof
💡No more laborious desktop data modelling by hand
💡Highest level of design accuracy
💡As easy to use as smartphone camera – evenfor non-specialist
💡All in 1 minute on smartphone

🌐 The beta-version App is online & has 20,000 downloads worldwide
📣 4,2 user rating on Google Play
🏆 UN Habitat/World Urban Forum 2022 Energy Innovation Challenge No. 1 spot
🎯 2 x funded: VC and EU Smart Growth
🤝 IP patents pending & trademarks registered
Country / Kraj
Poland / Polska
Founding year / Rok założenia
Team size / Wielkość zespołu
Company size / Wielkość firmy
Small company / Mała firma
Legal form / Forma prawna
Limited Liability Company LLC / Spółka Z O.O.
Company www / Strona firmowa
LinkedIn profil / LinkedIn profil
Instargram profil / Instagram profil
Sector / Branża
Energy / Green-tech
Email / Email
ul. T Zana 11A
Zip/Post Code

Contest Information

Contest Category / Kategoria Konkursu
Select category / Wybierz kategorię
Kind of innovation / Rodzaj innowacji
Product / Produktowa, Technological / Technologiczna
Target market / Rynek docelowy
Global Market / Rynek światowy
Customer focus / Kluczowy odbiorcy
B2B, B2C
Reach of innovation / Zasięg innowacji
Global / Światowy
Justification for Jury / Uzasadnienie [500 words]
ScanTheSun is the only tool worldwide to design perfect Solar PV in 1 minute on a smartphone.
No special skills required. No roof climbing, no computer modelling. Up to 38% more energy yield with no additional costs.

Revolutionary AR technology in Business Information Modeling
As easy as 1,2,3 – if You can use smartphone camera – You can get detailed & most effective installation plan in 1 minute.

Used by more then 20,000 people worldwide. Winner of World Urban Forum Energy Innovation Challenge.
Graduate of Climate Innovation Platform UK.
Poland's national qualifier for AIM Congress in Abu Dhabi.
Finalist of Sebastian Kulczyk InCredibles program.

Application validated by major energy champion in Poland.
Featured in presitigeous european magazine PV Europe – "Product of the week"
Featured in London podcast Climate Transformed.
Fetured in MyCompany, Wirtualna Polska, Gadżetomania.
What makes your company stand out from the competition? / Czym wyróżnia się Twoja firma na tle konkurencji?
Relies on a unique competitive advantage / Opiera się na unikalnej przewadze konkurencyjnej
Key technologies / Kluczowe technologie
AR, Business Information Modeling
Financial standing / Sytuacja finansowa
0 - 49 000 EURO
What sources of financing do you use when running your company? / Z jakich Źródeł finansowania korzystasz podczas prowadzenia firmy?
Accelerator / Akcelerator, Government programs / Programy rządowe, Venture Capital

Start-up logo, presentation video / Start-up logo, prezentacja, wideo

Company logo / Logo firmy [600x600 px]
Additional information / Dodatkowe informacje [PDF - 64 MB Max]
Who submit the application / Kto dokonuje zgłoszenia
Company / Firma
Recommending institution / Instytucja polecająca
How did you find out about the contest? / Jak dowiedziałeś się o konkursie?

Entry by / Zgłoszenie przez:

Jakub Leja

Member since 4 miesiące ago
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