Description / Opis



Innowacja społeczna (hybrid) i technologiczna

Zonifero platform was created to help companies optimize their workplace resources, improve productivity, and keep employees happy and safe. We are creating middleware connecting built environment into a universal data platform, enabling through standardised APIs further innovations in ESG, energy optimisation and flexible real estate asset management.
For office and facility managers, Zonifero serves as a comprehensive workplace control panel, enabling them to easily adapt the office to hybrid work requirements and make data-driven decisions about their assets. For HR managers, Zonifero is a tool to manage a distributed workforce with paperless workflows and reduce employee churn through an enhanced employee experience.  We stand as the digital layer of the hybrid workplace and the building of the future. Deeply integrated with Access Control, Building Management Systems (BMS), IoT devices, and Facility Management (FM) systems, it makes buildings future-ready. This integration allows buildings to be configured, connected, and updated according to the ever-changing needs of tenants.
Our product is one of the most comprehensive platforms on the market, holding a significant position in Poland, where we serve most of the active commercial real estate developers, including Skanska, Echo Investment, Vastint, Yareal, Cavatina, WhiteStar, and Atenor. We also have initial deployments abroad and are engaged in advanced discussions for further implementations.
As a mobile-first workplace and building management platform, it is augmented and enhanced with IoT and building systems integrations. We are helping in optimization of workplaces and building resources and systems, thereby improving overall efficiency and functionality of the building.


Company name / Nazwa firmy
Zonifero Spółka Akcyjna
Company info / Opis firmy [1 000 words]
Zonifero is a mobile-first enterprise-grade SaaS platform designed to help companies optimize their workplace resources, improve productivity, and maintain employee well-being and safety. As a digital layer for the hybrid workplace and the building of the future,
Zonifero combines IoT and building system integrations to enhance workplace management and building operations.

The platform addresses the shift toward hybrid work by enabling dynamic and efficient management of workplace resources. It streamlines workplace processes to eliminate friction, reduce time waste, and minimize inefficiencies for both employees and office administrators.

In addition to supporting energy efficiency in office buildings, Zonifero promotes sustainable practices by integrating with Building Management Systems (BMS) and HVAC systems to minimize energy waste. It also helps organizations meet regulatory compliance
requirements for distributed workforces and fosters stronger communication among teams.

By offering a comprehensive solution for optimizing workplace and building resources, Zonifero contributes to safer, happier, and more productive work environments.
Country / Kraj
Poland / Polska
Founding year / Rok założenia
Team size / Wielkość zespołu
Company size / Wielkość firmy
Select size / Wybierz wielkość
Legal form / Forma prawna
Select option / Wybierz rodzaj
Company www / Strona firmowa
Sector / Branża
Technologie / Telco / IT
ul. Sienkiewicza 110

Contest Information

Contest Category / Kategoria Konkursu
Kind of innovation / Rodzaj innowacji
Social / Społeczna, Technological / Technologiczna
Target market / Rynek docelowy
Select market / Wybierz rynek
Customer focus / Kluczowy odbiorcy
Reach of innovation / Zasięg innowacji
Global / Światowy
Justification for Jury / Uzasadnienie [500 words]
Our innovation deserves the award because it aligns closely with our vision to shape the future of frictionless, sustainable workplaces. Zonifero is dedicated to helping organizations optimize their resources and create safe, productive work environments for
their employees. By enhancing our platform, we aim to significantly reduce inefficiencies, minimize energy waste, and streamline workplace processes.

Zonifero stands out in the market due to its comprehensive approach to addressing the evolving needs of modern workplaces. The platform seamlessly integrates with existing IoT devices and Building Management Systems (BMS), allowing for real-time monitoring
and management of workplace resources. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also promotes sustainability by reducing energy consumption and waste.

Moreover, Zonifero facilitates the transition to hybrid work environments, a critical need in today's dynamic work landscape. It enables dynamic and efficient management of workplace resources, ensuring that employees can work flexibly without compromising
on productivity or comfort. By streamlining workplace processes, Zonifero eliminates common friction points, reduces time waste, and enhances overall employee satisfaction.

Winning this award would enable us to continue our mission of creating frictionless, sustainable workplaces. It would provide us with the opportunity to further develop and refine our platform, incorporating valuable feedback from a diverse network of industry
experts and thought leaders. This collaboration will allow us to innovate more effectively and expand our impact, ensuring that more organizations can benefit from our cutting-edge solutions.
What makes your company stand out from the competition? / Czym wyróżnia się Twoja firma na tle konkurencji?
Relies on a unique competitive advantage / Opiera się na unikalnej przewadze konkurencyjnej
Key technologies / Kluczowe technologie
IoT, integrations, API
Financial standing / Sytuacja finansowa
1 000 000 - 4 900 000 EURO
What sources of financing do you use when running your company? / Z jakich Źródeł finansowania korzystasz podczas prowadzenia firmy?
Angel Investors, Crowdfunding / Zbiórka

Start-up logo, presentation video / Start-up logo, prezentacja, wideo

Company logo / Logo firmy [600x600 px]
Additional information / Dodatkowe informacje [PDF - 64 MB Max]
Who submit the application / Kto dokonuje zgłoszenia
PR Department / Dział PR
How did you find out about the contest? / Jak dowiedziałeś się o konkursie?

Entry by / Zgłoszenie przez:

PR Manager

Member since 5 miesięcy ago
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